



When drought brings humanity to a food crisis, the collective researchers and scientists are sent through a wormhole (which is supposedly connects regions of space-time across a great distance) on a journey to overcome previous limitations for human space travel and relocate humanity to another planet.


Mad Max

Haunted by the ghosts of a troubled past, Max is convinced that the best way to survive is roam alone. Despite this, he joins the rebels running through the whole desert on a combat wagon, led by the commander Furiosa. They try escape from the Citadel, suffering from the tyranny of Immortal Joe, from whom they took something very valuable. The enraged warlord throws all his strength into the pursuit of rebels, stepping on the road of war - the road of fury.



The Avengers began as a group of extraordinary individuals who were assembled to defeat Loki and his Chitauri army in New York City. Since then, the team has expanded its roster and faced a host of new threats, while dealing with their own turmoil.


Free Guy

The guy named The guy is happy. He lives in the best city in the world, The City, works the best job in the world at the Bank, and is friends with a security guard named Buddy. And he does not care at all that the Bank is robbed several times a day, and the streets of the City resemble a war zone. The only thing a Guy lacks for complete happiness is an ideal girl for whom he has an exact list of requirements. And then one day he sees a beauty on the street, exactly like in his dreams. This meeting will change not only our protagonist, but also turn the whole world known to him.